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Fall Newsletter

Sore Muscles?

Receive $10 off your first 60-minute massage when you mention this coupon while booking! To book with Dan Misura or Destiny Pequin at our MTS location, call 403.910.3990 or e-mail To book with Jetta Pulido at our DTC location, call 403.775.9669 or visit!

Tip of the Month

Want to eat less? Then, eat more! Opting for a 100-calorie granola bar may seem like the healthiest decision, but having a small, insignificant snack is more likely to make you much hungrier than if you ate something substantial. Small quantities of carbohydrates will do nothing more than spike your blood sugar and intensify your craving for more carbs. Instead, reach for something high in protein like peanut butter or an apple and cheese. While these options are higher in calories, the protein and fat will fill you up quicker and will keep you full much longer, resulting in fewer calories consumed in the long run!

Did You Know?

Our Macleod Trail South location offers a Weight Management Program that is completely free of charge. If you have struggled to get a handle on your weight or feel you could benefit from guidance and support through your weight loss journey, ask your family doctor to fax a referral to (403) 910-0449. What’s more important than your health?

Did You Know?

Our 23rd Avenue location features Dr. Gordon Mark Brown, an Internal Medicine Specialist who sees general internal issues with a specialist interest in cardiovascular disease, including risk reduction, chest pain, heart failure, and hypertension; lung disease, including COPD, asthma, and pulmonary hypertension; diabetes; thyroid disorders; acute and chronic renal failure; fatty liver disease; cirrhosis; hepatitis; co-morbid disease and complex chronic disease management; and pre-operative assessments. Call (780) 468-5999 or stop into 2316 96th Street NW to book an appointment!

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