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Pneumococcal Pneumonia

PNEUMOCOCCAL PNEUMONIA bacteria can be spread from person to person. It makes up 50 to 80% of all cases of pneumococcal disease in adults.

Pneumococcal pneumonia is a type of bacterial pneumonia that is caused by Streptococcus pneumonia (which is also called pneumococcus). It is the most common bacterial pneumonia found in adults, the most common type of community-acquired pneumonia, and one of the common types of pneumococcal infection. The estimated number of Americans with pneumococcal pneumonia is 900,000 annually, with almost 400,000 cases hospitalized and fatalities accounting for 5-7% of these cases.

YOU ARE AT AN INCREASED RISK of getting pneumococcal pneumonia/invasive pneumococcal disease if you are – 50+ or 18+ with a risk factor

Some Risk Factors Include: MEDICAL CONDITIONS

  • Chronic lung disease (including asthma and COPD)

  • Chronic heart disease

  • Diabetes

  • Certain neurological conditions

  • Chronic liver disease

  • Cancer

  • Involving immunosuppression (e.g., transplants, HIV)


  • Smoking

  • Alcoholism

  • Living in long-term care facilities

  • COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

  • HIV = human immunodeficiency virus

THE SPREAD IS UNPREDICTABLE Streptococcus pneumonia can be present in your body without causing any symptoms. Even though you may not show any symptoms, you can still infect others. Like the flu, Streptococcus pneumonia can be passed on from person to person through – Coughing, Sneezing and talking.

Things you can do to help reduce your risk of infection: Practicing good hygiene

  • Wash your hands properly and often

  • Throw away used tissues

  • Don’t share cups or eating utensils with people who are sick

    • Stay away from people who are sick

    • Quitting smoking, if you smoke

    • Exercising and eating healthy to keep your immune system strong

    • Get your flu shot each year

    • Get your pneumococcal vaccination

    • Vaccines teach our bodies to recognize and respond to viruses and bacteria, by making products called antibodies that help fight the disease. Our immune system can remember and fight them if they attack in the future.

Talk to your pharmacist or family physician about your flu shot and pneumococcal vaccination to see what the best solutions are recommended for you.


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